Alexine Niro

Profession & Company:

Mechanical Engineer at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF

Education Background:

BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa

What made you decide to become a mentor for Kapolei Robotics?

I have been with the team since it started in 2008 with my brother, Arvin. Robotics inspired me to become a mechanical engineer because I love problem solving and hands-on learning. I also love to mentor students so that they may be inspired just as I was when I was in high school. STEM education is important, and mentoring can make it fun for students who are scared that it might be difficult to learn. 

Hobbies & Interests:

Drawing, crafts, gaming, traveling

Interesting fact(s) about you.

I was on UH Manoa's Varsity Team for the first Overwatch game and we ranked 43 out of 300+ teams around the US. 

I can now say I have been involved with robotics for more than half my life.