Charmaine Umayam

Profession & Company:

Mechanical Engineer & currently working at a bakery, but still searching :))

Education Background:

BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northern Arizona University 

What made you decide to become a mentor for Kapolei Robotics?

I want to help the students, who are looking into becoming engineers, better understand what their futures could possibly look like. There are many different opportunities out there for them; should they decide they want to pursue a future career in engineering. I also want to be there to offer my support if they determine engineering isn’t right for them, because there are so many other amazing career paths to choose from.

Hobbies & Interests:

Reading, playing games, watching shows, baking (if I have the time), hiking, crochet and embroidery.

Interesting fact(s) about you.

I was a junior paramedic, trained by paramedics and EMT’s.

I’ve tried and done gymnastics, dance, ballet, cheerleading, and choir.

I can play the violin, piano, and percussion instruments.