Saysha Ines

About Saysha Ines

Waipahu High School

Grade 12

Leadership Experiences:

Potential Majors: Economics and Political Science

Hobbies: Volunteering in my community, going to the beach, reading & writing, and spending time with my loved ones

What does DECA mean to you?

Overall, I see DECA as an opportunity. It's an opportunity to take initiative as a student and explore your career interests in relation to business. It's an opportunity to learn and gain experience in an industry that has so much depth. It's an opportunity to educate others on what you're passionate about, whether it's entrepreneurship or financial literacy. It's an opportunity to learn more about yourself and others. DECA is an amazing opportunity that I'm so thankful to be a part of. As a state officer, I'd not only like to take advantage of the opportunities DECA offers but I' like to create more in every way I can for all of it's members and the people the organization affects.