The Positive Effects of COVID-19

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating to some people, the pandemic has some good sides to it. People don't realize it but this pandemic has a lot of positive effects. Positive effects are important to take in during this hard time. There are probably more positive effects than how much I’m going to list in this writing. So, here is why COVID-19 is positive to the environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the environment in a positive way. One reason for that is, families get more family time. Before the pandemic started, children had school and parents had work. So families were not together all of the time. Now that the pandemic is almost over, families are starting to get to know each other better.

Another reason the COVID-19 pandemic had a good effect on the environment is that people learned how to take care of themselves more. Since we had to go in quarantine, people had to focus on their health more. So people started to improve their health care. Being healthy is a good thing because when we were in this pandemic we had to be healthy because of the germs we could’ve spread. This pandemic had to do with germs, so being healthy and clean is something you should do now because of the pandemic.

Some people had big stocks of food and water, but when could they have used it? People who had supplied food and water were in luck. They didn’t need to go to the store to buy last minute foods right before we were quarantined. Some people might have not gone shopping and stocked up on food. Luckily people who had stocks of food just waiting in their pantry, can now put it to use.

We should all think that COVID-19 has had a positive effect on the environment and not always negative. This pandemic has a lot of positive effects. Some people think that the pandemic is all just negative effects but they are wrong. You should focus on the positive side of COVID-19 rather than the negative side. I think the COVID-19 pandemic is positive for our environment.


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