Covid’s Negatives Impact

Hello Covid-19

On December 12, 2019, there was a new virus that was brought up to the world. COVID-19 also known as the Coronavirus,spreading all over the world, affecting people and killing people, but what you really don’t see is that COVID-19 is affecting the environment. The virus has been on Earth for about 4 years now. COVID-19 has created more trash on the environment, caused climate change, and affected animals with the amount of trash being produced. Therefore, I will be talking about the negatives about COVID-19.

The Trash

Our environment has changed over the four years. The virus spread fast and people and hospitals had begun to buy different types of products to prevent getting sick. This is called PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment) This includes gloves, face masks, wipes, nose swabs, hospital scrubs, and more. PPE is contaminated with infectious materials. Therefore this PPE can not be recycled and it ends up in a landfill then it goes into sewers systems and water bodies which can harm the ocean environment.

Environment Change

Due to covid change, climate change has changed. Since the PPE can not be recycled, it goes into the landfills. This PPE sometimes gets burned and releases more greenhouse gasses into the air. For example, the air pollution decreased and the emission of greenhouse gasses happened within a few weeks. The PPE being recycled could cause more of the greenhouse gasses to increase Therefore it harms the environment because it traps the heat that causes climate change to change. Which can cause droughts,wildfires,and food supply disruptions. All of the things that covid affected can cause health issues to anybody or any animal.

Affected by Covid

Covid has had a big impact on the world in many ways. Oceans had been one of the ones that got affected. From all the plastic and the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) being thrown away it started to affect the ocean.The reason why the PPE is getting into the ocean is because it can not be recycled so it goes into landfills then it flies into the ocean.The PPE also gets burned which will create greenhouse gasses into the air. The more the plastic being thrown away the more the ocean will get dirtier and could affect the GPGP(Great Pacific Garbage Patch).

The End

After all the things covid has caused to this world, I believe that covid had a negative impact on the environment. We learned that PPE is getting burned or it flies into the ocean which both harms the earth. Another thing we learned was that the climate has changed like the air pollution. I hope this essay taught you all the things that covid has caused. For this essay I used sources that I would leave down. Thank you for reading.

Sources :

Environment Disaster and Nature's Creations

Environment Disaster ; 2022 (recycled)

This piece was created to show people how the world has changed. This piece shows two sides of the world,one side has a very colorful and bright world, where most people would like to be in. The other side is mostly black,gray,and some bits of white. This side is the sad,burning world.The side of the world nice a change to match perfectly with the bright,colorful side.

Nature’s Creations ; 2022 (up cycled)

I made this to show people that nature could be used for many things.I made this piece to show people that recycled things could be art and it won’t harm the earth because it won’t go into the ocean.