CE Credits

Continuing Education credits are available for CPAs, Attorneys, Enrolled Agents and Paid Preparers attending FTP training AND volunteering at FTP sites.  Credits will not be available to participants that do not complete the volunteer commitment during the tax season.  Certificates will be sent at the end of the tax season.  See details below about credits for each.

CPAs can earn credit for participating in virtual or in-person training.  Let your site coordinator know if you are interested in CPE credits and a certificate will be sent to you at the end of the filing season.

Paid preparers and Enrolled Agents can earn credits through the IRS for participating in virtual or in person training.  Enter your PTIN when taking your certification exam at LinkLearnCertification.com

Attorneys can earn CLE credits for participation at IN-PERSON training.  Let your site coordinator know if you are interested in CLE credits and a certificate will be sent to you at the end of the filing season.