Interview with Mr. Paxton

by Brent Ferrell

What’s up JT Moore! This issue I interviewed Mr. Paxton, our awesome STEAM teacher, for our patriotic newspaper theme. He told me all about the National Guard and what it’s like to serve. His father was in the Navy when Mr. Paxton was growing up. This instilled in him the desire to serve. He wanted to join the Air Force to become a pilot, but alas, he was too tall to fly. When he could not join the Air Force, he talked to a recruiting agent for the National Guard and looked into joining. He thought about it and liked the benefits of serving: funding for college, extra income, and healthcare. In the Guard, he still got the chance to pilot heavy vehicles; however, these vehicles were huge trucks that carry Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. Training was a big part of joining the Guard. Mr. Paxton enjoyed training but when he had to rely on others that did not do their part, it was hard. In the military, you have to learn to serve together as a unit. Driving trucks and learning mechanics has been enjoyable. Mr. Paxton has been deployed many times and been on many missions. In total, he has been deployed for two years in the National Guard. He says that being away from family was the hardest thing of all. If you have interests in serving, he recommends it. “I couldn’t imagine my life without having served.” Thank you for your service Mr. Paxton!

Interview with Ms. Morgan

by Claire Gage

Claire: Where did you move from?

Ms. Morgan: I moved from Egypt 25 years ago with my parents

Claire: Why did you move to Tennessee?

Ms. Morgan: My parents had friends in Tennessee and it was easy for them to find jobs and settle in as new immigrants.

Claire: How long have you lived in Tennessee?

Ms. Morgan: 25 Years

Claire: What do you like most about living in a big city?

Ms. Morgan: I like the city life because I grew up in a big city. There are always many things to do for fun. I enjoy walking around downtown and experiencing different cultures even within one place.

Claire: Why did you decide to become a teacher?

Ms. Morgan: Both of my parents were educators and I think I took that after them. I love to see the change in students when they learn and change from the beginning to the end of the school year.

Claire: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Ms. Morgan: I like most of the old Disney movies, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The Lion King...I also like Schindler's List, and funny movies.

Claire: What is your favorite restaurant?

Ms. Morgan: Texas de Brazil

Claire: How are you getting used to Covid and virtual school?

Ms. Morgan: I have an adaptive personality. I follow the guidelines to stay safe and keep my family safe too. Virtual school is challenging, but I am thankful that we have it as an option.

Claire: Do you have any pets?

Ms. Morgan: I used to have a dog, cat, and a fish, at different times, but currently, I do not have any.

Claire: What do you do for fun?

Ms. Morgan: I love nature, so I try to spend more time outdoors when the weather permits. I like to walk, hike, travel, do scrapbooking, read, and connect with friends. 😊

Claire: If you could change one thing about the world what would it be and why?

Ms. Morgan: I would change terrorism because it took so many innocent lives. Terrorism spreads hate and fear in many places in the world.