Election 2020


by Claire Gage

We are very lucky to live in a country where we can have democrats and republicans, with different beliefs. Some have friends on different sides, husbands and wives, brother and sister, next door neighbors! Most people have learned whether you are the same or different, you can still get along. Now is a great time to learn all about that. On Belmont's campus a couple of weeks ago were standing some of the most famous people at the time, President Donald J Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, getting ready for the debate. Right outside, big groups of people were on two different sidewalks, Biden supporters and Trump supporters, holding big signs sharing their opinions. This was an example of a peaceful protest of people sharing their beliefs and differences. As a kid driving through this sight, I felt overwhelmed going through the groups of crowded people. However, what surprised me the most, was that some people had different signs but were standing next to each other. This just proves how lucky we are to live in a country where people can share their own points of view.

The results are in and America has a new president...

For practice, cast your vote for the next president...if JTM staff were running!

Tell us how you're doing! These polls were produced by Landon Versluys, part of the news crew.


One Vote Won: New Opera focusing on the 2020 election

by Antonio Patti

Kamala Harris

by Wesley Grace Foster-Hoke and Lucille Block

One Vote Won is an opera produced by the Nashville Opera about a young woman that thinks voting is a waste of her time. She just wants to sit on the couch and watch a Netflix show. She can’t find a show to watch because she has watched all of them, and she decides to go on a walk. Then she hears voices that are telling her to go vote. She thinks she is crazy when she sees the spirit of Juno Frankie Pierce, a Black suffragist. The spirit talks to her about how she could make a difference in the world by voting. After that she meets the spirit of Diane Nash, a Civil Rights Movement suffragist. The Suffragists convince her to go vote and at the end she does. I liked this Opera because it talked about the problems in this country and it talked about voting.

Many people have things handed to them, but that is not the case for Kamala Harris. One of Senator Harris’s jobs was at Mcdonalds. From there she became one of the most influential people in the U.S history.

Growing up Kamala was the oldest of two and lived with her Mom, Dad, and sister, Maya. Kamala was born in Oakland, California in 1964. Her mother and father had their own backgrounds. Her father was a Jamaican professor at Stanford. Her mother was the daughter of an Indian diplomat. Harris’s mom researched cancer and at the same time was a mother to two girls. Maya, Kamala’s sister had her own story too. Maya did many things and is now a public policy advocate.

As Kamala got older she achieved many things. Kamala had to work hard in high school to go to college. She went to Howard University and went to UC Hastings for law school. In 2010, she became the attorney general for the state of California and was re-elected in 2014. In 2017 she was elected to the California state senate, an office she still holds today. In 2019 she ran for President on a major party ticket. Although, she didn’t win, Biden asked her to be his running mate and she accepted. She is Former Vice President Biden’s running mate. Those are a few of her biggest accomplishments. Harris has a lot more to achieve in her lifetime.

A few fun facts about Kamala are she’s super into Converse and wears them all the time. She’s also the first Asian-American woman to run as a Presidential candidate and Vice Presidential candidate on a major party ticket. Kamala’s name in Sanskrit means Lotus as well as the Hindu goddess of love and good fortune. Kamala Harris grew up in the civil rights movement. Kamala has also wanted to be a lawyer since she was a child.

Even if things are not handed to you that does not mean you cannot achieve them. That is shown throughout this article. Kamala Harris is an over achiever and nothing came easy for her. She accomplished a lot and still has more to do!