A Scavenger hunt on liberty island

by Larkin Boyd

Lulu and her family were arriving on Liberty Island for the fifth annual Liberty Island scavenger hunt. When they got to the starting point Lulu teamed up with her dad. They were given their first clue.

Find a cylinder with a hole and a handle. Bring it to the cashier to receive your next clue.

“Where could it be?” asked Lulu. What places have a cashier?

“I know!” Exclaimed Lulu’s dad, “ the Gift Shop.”

“And the cylinder with a hole and a handle is a mug!” Replied Lulu. When they got to the gift shop, they chose a mug and brought it to the cashier.

“For the Scavenger hunt?” the Cashier asked.

“Yes,” replied Lulu. Then, the Cashier bent down and opened a cabinet then gave them the next clue.

Boats come to me and Boats leave from me. What am I? Find a slot, stick your map into it to reveal your next clue.

This one was easy; they had this clue every year. They looked at each other for approval and sped off toward the docks. When they got there, they found a slot, stuck their map in the slot. With a whir and click a door slid open to reveal a stack of clues.

A lady in green stands atop me. Go to the entrance of this place to collect your prize.

Last clue ok, you have to think Lulu. Where could it be? She decided to look up to see how dad is doing. He is scratching his chin with his eyes looking upward. Behind him a beige stone with a green Lady is standing atop it. Wait a minute...The Statue of Liberty’s Pedestal, of course! She grabs her dad pulling him toward the pedestal entrance. Once they got there, they saw two people standing at the entrance.

“Congratulations!” said the one of them, “You are the first one to finish the Scavenger hunt. As your prize you get a free Three person tour inside the Pedestal and Crown.”

“Wahoo!” yell Lulu and Lulu’s dad.


by Naomi Crawley