Resource for Parents

Below are a few helpful resources for talking to your children about Coronavirus. There are also some strategies to help with managing anxiety during this time.

Featuring Dr. Gene Beresin, MD from Mass General Hospital

What should you tell kids about the coronavirus?

And more importantly, how?

This quick three-minute video featuring Dr. Gene Beresin's provides practical advice and some actionable talking points.

Below you can find important information in German from

Video for kids about Corona in German with English subtitles:

Below is a great resource for students in grades EK-2: Here is a link to some great TED talks to watch with kids:

Great resource on keeping kids mentally and emotionally healthy during these times! 💗

Check out the podcasts offered by Big Life Journal:

The US Library of Congress has released some great resources for Parents and Students alike:

Below, information that was previously shared in the website updates from late March:


What it means when kids won't do school work:

Click on the link for info to help parents in times of school refusal

The following is a list of 12 Meditation Apps and tools recommended by ADDitude magazine, but are helpful for all folks dealing with anxiety: