ES Social/Emotional Learning at Home

I know there will be plenty to do with your child through remote learning. Here are some helpful activities if you would like to do some together with your child during this time. There are great tools and strategies to support social/emotional growth and development in the following links. I hope they are helpful! Please contact me with any questions or concerns! -Ms.Faber

Click on the button below to find 5 days of simple activities you an do with your Entrance class, first or second grader(s)!

Click on the button below to find 5 days of simple activities you an do with your third, fourth, fifth or sixth grader(s)!

Here are some great videos for you to practice important life skills:


Developing a healthy mindset and positive self-talk is a critical part of being a successful learner.


Students with better self-regulation skills have higher academic achievement and are more likely to get along with others and have strong relationships.


Mind Yeti is based on mindfulness, which is proven by science to strengthen our ability to focus, regulate our emotions and even feel gratitude. Listen to Mind Yeti in the classroom or at home.

Activity #1: Print and cut out these cards and create a game to help build coping skills!

ACTIVITY #2: Thankfulness

Watch this 4 minute video from Kid President and then make your OWN list of 25 things that YOU are thankful for! When it's finished, share your list with me at!

I can't wait to see all of the things that JFKS students are thankful for!

ACTIVITY #3: Being Happy

Watch the 5 minute video of the book "Taking a Bath with the Dog and Other Things that Make Me Happy". Next, write a list of 10 things that make YOU happy! Email your list to me at!

ACTIVITY #4: Whole Body Listening

Watch this 3 minute video on Whole Body Listening. After the video, practice having a conversation with an adult or sibling at home. Be aware of what your body language is doing. Ask the other person to remind you when you are forgetting to use whole body listening and they feel like you don't care about what they have to say.

Being home all day is a great time to practice social skills! Set a goal to turn off all screens and have face to face conversations for at least 10 minutes per day. Practice using whole body listening and asking related questions.


Watch this 5 minute video on emotions. Then talk with a grown up or sibling about what happens to you when you feel angry.

Try taking some selfies of different faces that you make when you feel different emotions! You can make your own feelings book, and if you want, you can send us your best MAD face! Send it to me on email at !

ACTIVITY #6: Bad Day

Watch the 4 minute video of the book "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days". After the video, talk to an adult or sibling at your house. When you have SUPER emotions (because we all do) what are things that are OK for you to do?

Send me a drawing of yourself as a super hero! Take a picture of it and email it to me at !