JFKS Student Support Services

Welcome to JFKS Student Support Distance Learning Support Site! We hope you find these resources helpful for your family. Please scroll across the tool bar at the top of this page to see what there is to offer. If you need anything at all the best way to get ahold of any of us is via email.

Tamara Faber, ES Counselor: tamara.faber@jfksberlin.org

Kara Krull, MS Counselor: kara.krull@jfksberlin.org

Teresa Gebhardt, HS Counselor: teresa.gebhardt@jfskberlin.org

(available for current grade 12 students in process of college admissions)

Liz Caravaca, HS Counseling Support: liz.caravaca@jfksberlin.org

(available for current 10th graders, as well as students in 11D, 12D)

Alaina Mack, registrar: registrar@jfksberlin.org

Christine Boehm-Wirt, 7-12 PM: christine.boehm-wirt@jfksberlin.org

Barbara Lopocz, 7-12 PM: barbara.lopocz@jfksberlin.org

Andrea Rathke, 7-12 Learning Support: andrea.rathke@jfksberlin.org

We hope you are all staying healthy and safe!

As always, the best place for up to date JFKS information is via the school website.

Here is a link to the "Corona und Du" information portal at LMU Munich. It offers children and adolescents as well as their families a concrete offer of help with easily implementable behavioral tips, suggestions and information to help them get through the current times shaped by Corona with psychological strength. In terms of language and content, the website was developed specifically for children and young people.

Mini-meditation for staff, students and parents alike!

Take time for YOU. 2020 has been a whirlwind.

You can best care for others when you first care for yourself!

Enjoy this video message created by many of our ES Staff for our JFKS community:

Emergency Numbers:

Important phone numbers when problems and conflicts occur at home

“Number against Worries” for children and teenagers: 116 111

For parents: 0800 111 0550

For caretakers: 030 2017 9131

For pregnant women in need: 0800 404 0020

“Violence against women”: 0800 011 6016