JCPS Gifted and Talented Parent Site

JCPS Gifted and Talented

Welcome to the JCPS Gifted and Talented Parent Site!

Federal Definition of gifted:

Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities. 

For further information regarding what is giftedness, click here.

Gifted and Talented services are available in all JCPS schools (including Traditional Schools) for formally identified students in grades 4-12.

Jessie Thompson

Gifted & Talented and 

Advance Program Supervisor

Tiffani Morrison

Gifted Instructional Coach

Kristi Hayes, Ed.S

Elementary Zone 3

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Niyetta Williams-Hill, Ed.D

Elementary AIS

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Alisa Whitt

Elementary  Zone 2

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Melanie House PhD

Middle School

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Sheri Rhodes

Elementary AIS

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Terri Skipworth

Elementary  Zone 1

Gifted Itinerant Teacher

Ashley Piatt

Middle /High School AIS

Gifted Itinerant Teacher