Student Websites


These websites are a type of "portfolio," showcasing each person's work throughout the year. There is a wonderful progression of skills that can be found when you look at the work completed at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. Students chose one item on each content page to highlight because it was either their personal best, evidence of learning, displaying creativity or uniqueness or something that showed a great deal of growth. This portfolio reflection was recorded using a Web 2.0 tool they learned and is at the top of each page. 

When you look at each site you will see a variety of literacy projects; from reading summaries to writing projects like the magazine we wrote.  Science includes presentations they created, evidence from their Solar Car experiments and work done on Hyperdocs. The included math project was a project I wrote called "Road Trip; Planning a Math Vacation." They worked long and hard on the math for this project and have fantastic presentations! There is also a "Book Trailer" page, presenting the book trailers (a modern "book report.") they completed. Lastly, their Unit Inquiry Page displays some of the Web 2.0 projects we did, including social studies, writing, math, science and reading.  In the end, they learned a plethora of technology skills, (including creating their website) and were engaged in a variety of learning opportunities! Enjoy!