Counseling Support

 Jennifer Kelley



Hello, Dakota Ridge!  This is Jennifer Kelley, DR's Registrar.  I am so, so happy to be here!  I started here in March of 2019; before then, I worked for 5 years in Denver Public and 1 year in Littleton Public.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Denver and Littleton, but really feel I have found my home here at Dakota; there’s an incredible, proud sense of community here, and I’m grateful to be a part of it!  I was born and raised in Grand Blanc, Michigan, and am a proud graduate of Michigan State!  Go, Green!  My husband is a Wolverine, so we really are a house divided.  Our kiddo currently attends Shaffer Elementary.  He says he wants to go to U of M like Dad, but I am confident I still have time to sway him!  As a family, we enjoy traveling, skiing, and watching both our college football teams, the Avalanche, and the Detroit Lions; the Lions - their time has to be coming, right?!

Every day here is busy and enjoyable because of our great kiddos, families, and staff; I just feel so lucky I am able to say I truly enjoy coming to work!