The JCHS Counseling Team cares about you!
Students & Families,
Welcome to the JCHS Counseling Department homepage! Our hope is that this can be a hub of information to promote student success. Take some time to navigate through the pages on the left menu, and as always - please reach out if we can support you in some other way!
Thank you!
JCHS Counseling Department
Counselors Abi Walls (D-H), Ben Bachman (S-Z), Emaleigh Fleeman (A-C),
April Bagwell (N-R), & Allie Meeks (I-M)
Things your counselors do for JCHS:
Individual meetings with students according to alphabet
Conduct 504 meetings for students according to alphabet
Facilitating small group sessions (exploring topics such as time management, stress, study skills, handling conflict, etc.)
Suicide prevention and awareness
Event planning for Red Ribbon Week, Anti-Bullying campaign, etc.
YouScience completion as meets BRIDGE Bill Requirements
Classroom guidance for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors
Student scheduling
Course/career/college advisement
Dual Enrollment paperwork and information nights
Assisting in finding state/local scholarships
Advertising, testing and proctoring for the SAT, PSAT and ACT
Ordering and sending transcripts
Senior Letters of Recommendation
Make an appointment with us
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