News from the Nest

Weekly Updates from East Jackson Elementary School

Week of October 16th

What's Happening This Week?

Monday, October 16

Tuesday, October 17

Wednesday, October 18

Thursday, October 19

Friday, October 20

We need your help!

At least one parent in each household should have received an email in the last two weeks to fill out a National Blue Ribbon Survey. The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Every year the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, schools demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. This year, EJES has been nominated! As a part of the process, we must have input from parents. PLEASE take a moment to look back through your email and fill out this very important survey.

The email is titled, "Blue Ribbon" 

Fun Run Fiesta!

Thank you ALL for making the EJES Fun Run Fiesta an amazing week! We are excited to put this money towards building the EJES agriculture program!


Canvas Parent Info

If you are getting email notifications about a a test or assignment being graded and login to see nothing, that is okay. Elementary teachers do not post grades in Canvas. Grades will posted each 9 weeks and you will be given a printed report card with those grades. If there is something that a student has completed in Canvas that you need to see, the teachers will make sure to communicate that with you. 

Upcoming Events

Fun Run Fiesta 2023!

Yearbooks on Sale!

Purchase your EJES yearbook today for $30. In January, the price will increase to $32. Purchase early to guarantee your child has a copy. 

Visit this link to purchase online:

Email Ashley Wheeler ( for any questions regarding the yearbook.