Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Henry Ford Allegiance Health


Services Offered (Examples): Counseling Services

Insurance Companies: BCBS, BCN, HAP, Aetna, Tricare, Medicaid Health Plans (No UHC, Cigna, Magellan or Federal BCBS)

LifeWays Community Mental Health


Services Offered (Examples): Behavioral Health Services in areas such as severe mental issues, intellectual/developmental disability, substance use disorder, and co-occurring disorders. Mental Health intake assessments (Medicaid only). 

Insurance Companies: BCBS, BCN, HAP, Aetna, Tricare, Medicaid Health Plans (No UHC, Cigna, Magellan or Federal BCBS)

University of Michigan Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

(734) 764-0231 or toll free (800) 525-5188                                         

 Inpatient Services: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Eating Disorders Program, and Psychiatric Emergency Service

Insurance Companies: Please have your insurance card available at the time of your call so that we can obtain preliminary information. Due to the variability of insurance policies, it may be helpful for you to contact your insurance company ahead of time to verify your benefit coverage.