Sex Education


As remote learning continues for much of the country, members of the Sex Education Collaborative (SEC), including MOASH, have created a new online Training Hub with a wide variety of professional development offerings for educators and school administrators. gathers trusted trainings and resources from national, regional, and state-based sex education organizations for access wherever educators and administrators are working. In addition to this newest offering, members have jointly created the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education, released last year.

The SEC envisions a world in which all young people’s right to comprehensive, high-quality sex education is recognized and fulfilled. This vision can only be realized if educators have the knowledge, training, and support to effectively deliver sex education.

Resources and training opportunities can be found at Please share this new resource far and wide with your networks! If you’re interested in highlighting it, contact Eric Swihart ( and he will send a toolkit including a newsletter blurb, social media guidance, and graphics.