
Local Teen Videos

Check out these videos made by the Jackson County Health Department’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Teen Advisory Council and learn about the local JCHD Sexual Health Clinic (JCHD SHC).

Sexual Health Clinic building and clinic location. This video shows where the Jackson County Health Department is located, what the building looks like, which door to enter, and where to go in private once entering the building.

What to expect during a visit to the JCHD Sexual Health Clinic. This video shows teens exactly what takes place when coming in for sexual health services at the Jackson County Health Department and goes through step by step processes to reduce any fear or uncertainty when coming for a walk-in appointment.

How easy is it to obtain condoms for free at JCHD? This video shows teens how simple it is to walk into the JCHD Sexual Health Clinic to get free condoms discreetly without even speaking to anyone.

Please keep in mind, these videos and expectations regarding the Sexual Health Clinic are all pre-Covid. Our front doors are currently locked and all services are by appointment only at the current time. These videos will once again be accurate once we are open during normal hours and services are back to a level pre-Covid.