Meet the Team

The Whole Child Team's vision is to support schools and local community partners to ensure students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

Janelle Buchler 

Whole Child Consultant Lead

(517) 914-3030

Kimberly Brown

Attendance, Truancy and Special Populations Coordinator

(517) 768-5264

Kimberly Brown (Kim) is a member of the Whole Child Team at Jackson County Intermediate School District.  Kim currently serves as the Attendance, Truancy and Special Populations Coordinator and has held this position for the past 3 school years.  This role has afforded Kim the opportunity to collaborate and network with diverse representatives from all areas of the community including, education and childcare, health and human services, businesses, faith-based organizations, and families.  She works alongside others to ensure Jackson County children and youth experiencing homelessness are afforded the right to the same success and educational opportunities as their “housed” peers. Kim continues working diligently to decrease Chronic Absenteeism for Jackson County while working to establish a culture of Attendance for all students of Jackson County. 

Eric Swihart

Whole Child and Regional Health Coordinator

(517) 990-3623

Eric Swihart serves Hillsdale and Jackson counties as Regional School Health Coordinator and member of the JCISD Whole Child Team.  Eric provides support in Health Education, Physical Education, Reproductive Health (Sex Ed), Staff Wellness, ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs) practices and policies.  Eric shares experience from 20+ years as a teacher, principal, coach, trainer, and Whole Child advocate. 

Frances Adams

General Education Social Worker


Courtney Vincent

General Education Social Worker

My name is Courtney Vincent I am a General Education Social Worker at the Jackson County Intermediate School District. My passion and role in education is to continue supporting children and students, Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health Needs. After, Graduating from Central Michigan University I taught both kindergarten and second grade where I gained insight and understanding to the foundation of public & private education. Following this I earned my Masters Degree in Social Work from Spring Arbor University. I take pride in creating relationships with community partners and our local school districts. 

MarKeese Boyd

Whole Child Coordinator


MarKeese Boyd (Keese) is a member of the Whole Child Team at Jackson County Intermediate School District. Keese currently serves as the Homeless and Special Populations Coordinator in the community of Jackson, Michigan.This role has allowed Keese to build and maintain a strong network of community partners and McKinney-Vento Liaisons to provide resources to our students and families. His passion and love for all people has driven him to become an active advocate for those in need and provide support. 

Julie Page

Whole Child Coordinator


Kelsea Jabkiewicz

Continuous Improvement & MTSS Education Consultant (Non Academic)

517- 768-5139