Gifted & Talented Identification & referral

Identification: General Information

The tests administered for the identification of gifted and talented services measure students' abilities in comparison to others of the same age and/or grade level.  Abilities tests are designed to test potential and be independent of direct teaching of content.  The tests administered by Jarrell ISD are nationally recognized in the educational community and have strong statistical merit.

Evaluation Window:

Each year, Kindergarten students will be screened, assessed, and identified prior to March 1st, as is required by state law.  The nomination period for all other students will be open October 1 through November 30, while the assessment and identification process will begin in January and completed by March 1.

Referral Process:

Teachers, administrators, school personnel, and /or parents may nominate students for the gifted/talented program in the Jarrell Independent School District.  Students will be considered nominated for the program when a nomination inventory has been completed and parental permission for testing has been received.  The nomination process for services provided as part of the gifted program is held annually or as needed for students new to the district.  Following the completion of the nomination process, all students nominated will begin the evaluation process.