Many, but not all, of our conference presenters for the 2024 Conference.

Conference Schedule - Draft copy 2/18/04



7:30 – 10:00 pm     Early check-in




8:00 – noon           Check-in

10:00 am               Exhibits open and Prayer room open

10:00 – noon         Breakout workshops for the DL - Deaf Leaders and IT - Interpreters Tracks

                              IT Breakout #1 – William Ross III –Interpreting like Deaf People Talk pt 1

                              IT Breakout #2 – Beatrice Pfaff, Robin Polin and Veronique Cheney – Interpreting in Jewish Settings

                              IT Breakout #3 – Dr. Francis Casale – Bible Terms in ASL

                              DL Breakout #4* -- James and Ann Lynn Parker – Power of Prayer

                              DL Breakout #5 – Robert Tawney and Dr. Lewis Lummer -- Navigating Life as a Deaf Christian:  A Guide for Deaf Refugee and Others

                              DL Breakout #6* – Dr. Meena Mann – Leadership Styles

                              DL/IT Breakout #7 --  Noah Butler – A 21st Century Deaf Ministry  

Noon – 1:30 pm     Lunch on your own

1:30 – 3:30 pm       Breakout workshops for the DL - Deaf Leaders and IT - Interpreters Tracks

                              IT Breakout #1 – William Ross III –Interpreting like Deaf People Talk pt 2

                              IT Breakout #2 –  Dr. Francis and Kimie Casale – Ministering to the DeafBlind Community

                              IT Breakout #3 – Sheila Hall-Price – Christian Strength in Diversity:  Navigating Multicultural Interpreting

                              DL Breakout #4 – Kevin Hamilton – What is Biblical Counseling? Can we Counsel?

                              DL Breakout #5 – Beatrice Pfaff, Robin Polin, Veronique Cheney, and Martin Teltser – Believe in Jesus and STILL be Jewish

                              DL Break out #6 –  Brandon Gaskin – Next Gen:  Reaching the Next Generation by 2033

                              DL/IT Breakout #7 – Marci Purtell -- Great Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

                              DL/IT Breakout #8 -- Dr. Toby Welch – Understanding Deaf Individual’s Acculturation Experience in the Deaf Ministry at Hearing Churches 

3:30 pm                 Break – get ready for the Premiere

4:00 – 5:00 pm       Begin traveling to the Premiere (AMC in Ft Worth)

                                   Gradual arrival between 4:15 and 5:00 is encouraged. 

                                  Buses will be provided for those who used the airport shuttle.  Seats are limited. If you have a vehicle, please plan to drive. Carpooling is encouraged.

5:15 pm                 VIPs arrive on the Red Carpet

6:30 pm                 Jesus, A Deaf Missions Film*

9:00 – 11:00 pm     After party on the Lawn at the Loews*

FRIDAY, April 5

8:15 – 9:45 am     The Making of a Movie – by Deaf for Deaf – Chad Entinger, Joseph Josselyn, Michael Davis, Gideon Firl (Main Session DL/IT)

9:45 am           Break

10:00 – noon      How to Use Jesus, a Deaf Missions Film to Engage the Community – Chad Entinger, Tanya Polstra, Jason Roop, Jonathan Walterhouse, Matthew Belwood (Main Session DL/IT)

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch provided

1:00 – 2:00 pm  Working with Children:  Using the Kids Curriculum with Families or Church Groups – Tanya Polstra and Donna Valverde-Hummel (Main Session DL/IT

1:00 – 3:00 pm     Breakout options for the interpreter track

                            Breakout #1 – William Ross III – Am I Seeing it Right but Saying it Wrong

                        Breakout #2 – Theresa Schmechel - Music is Uninterpretable!  Prove Me Wrong

                         Breakout #3 – Dr. Chuck and Nancy Snyder – Let’s Go Team: “Two Are Better Than One”

2:10 – 3:10 pm  Working with Teens:  Using the Teen Curriculum with Youth and New Believers – Matthew Belwood   (Main Session DL/IT)

3:20 – 4:20 pm  A Tool for Small Group Discipleship: Using the Curriculum with Adults – Jason Roop, Brandon Gaskin, Jonathan Walterhouse, Mary “Tammy” Weiner (Main Session DL/IT)

3:30 – 5:30 pm  Breakout options for the interpreter track

                            Breakout #1 – William Ross III -- Those Who Tell the Stories Rule the World

                            Breakout #2 – Staci Nichols – Language Deprivation: How to Identify and Work Around It

                          Breakout #3 – Dr. Chuck and Nancy Snyder – Interpreting Theological Concepts: “Words Fitly Spoken”

4:30 – 5:30 pm  Practical Tips and Tricks for Making Disciples – Jonathan Walterhouse and Matthew Belwood (Main session DL/IT)

5:30 – 7:00 pm  Dinner on your own


7:00 – 8:00 pm    Panel Exploring Equity and Justice (Chad Entinger with Sheila Hall-Price, Brandon Gaskin, Dr. Francis Casale, Marci Purtell and others) (Main Session DL/IT)

8:00 pm      Stretch break

8:15 – 9:15 pm  Special Feature – My Life as a CODA with Pastor Ed Newton (MS/DT)

9:20 – 9:45 pm Late night praise and worship*



8:30 – 9:30 am  Morning Bible Study with Chang Hwang* (DL/IT)

9:30 am     Break

9:45 – 11:45 am  Come and See Jesus – A Call to Illogical Faith (Main Session for Deaf Leaders)

                                  Get Out of the Boat – Chad Entinger

                                The Other Side – James Parker

                                 The Deep Side – Ann Lynn Parker 

9:45 – 11:45 am Breakout workshops for the Interpreters Track

                              Breakout #1 – William Ross III - Ethics, Where Do I Stand – 4-hour continued (1st half)

                            Breakout #2 – Colin Analco – Classifiers and Mapping (for beginners)

                          Breakout #3 - Kevin Hamilton - Interpreting in a Counseling Setting

                              Breakout #4 – Angela Allen – Soul Care – Taking Care of You God’s Way

                              Breakout #5 – Shelia Hall-Price – Interpreting in Multi-cultural situations

                              Breakout #6 - Theresa Schmechel - Spirituality & the Deaf Community:  A Look Through a Social Justice Lens

                              Breakout #7 – Kari Analco – Practical and Biblical Approaches to Bridging Worlds

11:45 – 1:15 pm   Lunch on your own

1:15 – 2:30 pm   What is your Why? by Marci Purtell  (Main Session for Interpreters

1:15 – 2:30 pm     Breakout workshops for Deaf Leaders Track

                               Breakout #1 - Kevin Hamilton – Basic Marriage, Parenting, and Family Counseling

                               Breakout #2 – Dr. Francis and Kimie Casale – How to Serve God without Burning Out

                              Breakout #3* – Becca Diley Triplett, Meredith Henderson, and Jason Suhr - Multiplying Hope and Healing to Wounded Hearts

                          Breakout #4* – Peter Quint, Lance Forshay, Neil Marshall, Wanda Warkentin -- Deaf House Church Movement

                            Breakout #5 – William Ross III – That’s Not What I Meant: Managing Deaf-Centric Language

                            Breakout #6* – Bethany Garnett, Sandra Atchley, and Scott Stankus – Starting a Deaf VBS in Your Community

                               Breakout #7 – Dr. Lewis Lummer – Legacy of Reverend Carter Bearden, the Deaf Pioneering Pastor of America

2:30                     Break

3:00 – 5:00 pm    Come and See Jesus – A Savior Who Breaks the Norms (Main Session for Deaf Leaders)

                                          Jesus Turns the Tables – Tanya Polstra

                                         I am the Ressurrection and the Life – Dr. Francis Casale

                                       Embrace the Transformation – Sheila Hall Price

3:00 – 5:00 pm  Breakouts for the Interpreters Track

                            Breakout #1 – William Ross III – Ethics Where Do I Stand – 4-hour continued (2nd half)

                           Breakout #2 – Theresa Schmechel – Interpreting Life’s Milestones: Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

                           Breakout #3 – Jeremy Roe – Worshipping or Interpreting

                              Breakout #4 – Colin Analco – Classifiers and Mapping (for advanced interpreters)

                            Breakout #5 – James and Ann Lynn Parker – Knitted Together for Kingdom Business

                           Breakout #6 – Ayorkor Adjei – Transformative Power of God (Your Identity in Christ and How that Influences Your Work)

                             Breakout #7 – Marci Purtell – Mentally Fit Interpreter

6:00 – 7:30 pm   Dinner together

7:30 – 9:30 pm    Special Feature:  Deaf Missions and Friends Talent Show with emcee Sheila Hall Price

9:10 – 9:40 pm   Late night Praise and Worship



8:00 – 9:00 am   Breakfast provided

9:00 – 10:30 am   Scripture, Sermons and Songs – Church Ain’t Easy by William Ross III (Main Session for Interpreters)

9:00 – 10:30 am    Breakout workshops for Deaf Leaders Track

                          Breakout #1* – Josh Bonjour --  How to Use the ASLV in Sermons

                      Breakout #2* – Ashton Luff – How to Approach the Hearing Leadership of your Church for Greater Access

                    Breakout #3 – Dr. Lewis Lummer – Deaf Christian Leadership in Crisis

                        Breakout #4 – Brandon Gaskin – Digital Evangelism

                Breakout #5 – Lulu Sorenson and Melissa Erdman – Leading Deaf Worship

                        Breakout #6* –  Missy Barone, Peter Dublin, Becca Diley Triplett, Mary “Tammy” Weiner – Multiplying Deaf Disciples

10:50 – noon      Corporate worship/church service* – Josh Bonjour and Ashton Luff and Dallas friends

Noon – 1:30 pm   Lunch on your own

1:30 – 3:30 pm   Bonus session for Deaf Leaders:  Deaf Leader Conclave – a round table discussion on trends, goals, hopes and dreams for Deaf Ministry in the next 5 years let by Chad Entinger and friends

1:30 – 3:30 pm     Bonus session for Interpreters: Interpreter Conclave:  Agents of Change – a facilitated session led by Bill Ross and friends on the trends, goals, hopes and dreams for the interpreting profession in the next 5 years

3:40 – 4:00 pm     Final song/poem/prayer/goodbye for now


* means CEUs are not availalbe for this session

Presenters in the Deaf Leaders Track

Sandra Atchley • Missy Barone • Josh Bonjour • Noah Butler • Dr. Francis Casale • Kimie Casale • Veronique Cheney • Becca Diley Triplett • Peter Dublin • Chad Entinger • Melissa Erdman • Lance Forshay • Bethany Garnett • Kevin Hamilton • Meredith Henderson • Ashton Luff • Dr. Lewis Lummer • Dr. Meena Mann • Neil Marshall • Ann Lynn Parker • James Parker • Beatrice Pfaff • Robin Polin • Marci Purtell • Peter Quint • William Ross • Lulu Sorenson • Scott Stankus • Jason Suhr • Robert Tawney • Martin Teltser • Wanda Warkentin • Dr. Toby Welch

Presenters in the Interpreters Track

Ayorkor Adjei • Angela Allen • Colin Analco • Kari Analco • Noah Butler • Dr. Francis Casale • Veronique Cheney • Sheila Hall-Price • Kevin Hamilton • Ann Lynn Parker • James Parker • Beatrice Pfaff • Robin Polin • Marci Purtell • Jeremy Roe • William Ross • Theresa Schmechel • Dr. Chuck Snyder • Nancy Snyder • Dr. Toby Welch

Deaf leaders may attend interpreters workshops and interpreters may attend Deaf leaders workshops (not all Deaf leaders sessions will qualify for CEUs.)

Presenters & Worship Leaders in General Sessions for all

Colin Analco • Matthew Belwood • Kimie Casale • Michael Davis • Chad Entinger • Melissa Erdman • Brandon Gaskin • Sheila Hall-Price • Chang Hwang • Joseph Josselyn • Tanya Polstra • Jason Roop • Lulu Sorenson • Jonathan Walterhouse • and more in evening features and Sunday worship

To see workshop titles and times, click here:  Draft Conference Schedule