Selected talks

Here you will find several talks I have given that I think can be interesting.

No sólo números y cuentas: las matemáticas como acertijos

Tópicos matemáticos πԚ2

Online conference, 2024/04/30

Language: Spanish

Audience: high school students

De Leibniz y Newton hasta Hausdorff: el camino hacia la topología de conjuntos

Lunes de Faenas Matemáticas en la UAM-I

UAM Iztapalapa, 2024/01/22

Language: Spanish

Audience: freshman university students

Espacios topológicos homogéneos

54 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana

Online conference, october 2021

Language: Spanish

Audience: senior university students and postgraduate students

Homogeneidad y rigidez en continuos

Minicourse (3 talks)

Taller Estudiantil de Continuos y Sistemas Dinámicos

Online conference, 06/10/2021 to 08/10/2021

Language: Spanish

Audience: senior university students and postgraduate students

La topología de los espacios homogéneos

Coloquio en honor del Profesor Adalberto García Maynez y Cervantes

Facultad de Ciencias UNAM, 2017/04/20

Language: Spanish

Audience: senior university students

Los muchos caminos al infinito

Faenas Matemáticas

UAM Iztapalapa, 2016/12/06

Language: Spanish

Audience: freshman university students

Spaces discretely generated at infinity

Set Theory and its Applications in Topology

Casa Matemática Oaxaca, 2016/09/12

Language: English

Audience: researchers and postgraduate students