Sophie Carrison

IUPUI Honors College Scholar | Undergraduate Biology Student | Pre-PT | ePortfolio Studio Consultant

About Me

My name is Sophie Carrison and I am currently completing my undergraduate degree at IUPUI. I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I am passionate about STEM and all the ways a career in this field can improve lives around the world. I am interested in lab research in an undecided field of biology. I believe that STEM provides a canvas for individuals to create and improve the world for themselves and others.

A career in biology would encourage me use my critical thinking, collaborative, and creative skills every day. I am driven by the idea of expanding any aspect of my own knowledge that could eventually be used to benefit others, whether that be in medicine or simply our understanding of the world around us. To achieve this, I am involved in research programs on campus and participate in undergraduate research. What matters the most to me is the process of constantly growing and learning both inside and out of school.

I have attached my resume below. The things included in my resume may also show up here, in my ePortfolio! If you want to learn more about my experiences so far, click here.


What will this ePortfolio will show you?

My ePortfolio will walk you through a collection of my college experiences! These experiences include academic experiences, professional development, and extra curricular activities. Above you will find my resume, which has a comprehensive and condensed list of my overall skills and experiences. The experiences you will see in my ePortfolio expands on all those skills I mention in my resume. You will see photos, documents, posters, and much more in this ePortfolio, showcasing and reflecting on each of the experiences I have included!