Honors Biology Lab

What Research did we Participate In?

In our Honors Biology Lab, we were able to participate in zebrafish research on fetal alcohol syndrome. Zebrafish are a great model organism for all kinds of research and is the model that Dr. James Marrs uses in his own lab; we had the opportunity to contribute to his lab's research during this experience.

Presenting our Findings

At the end of the semester, my Honors Bio Lab team and I presented our research poster along with the other class teams at the department of Biology on campus. We studied fetal alcohol syndrome by analyzing how alcohol affects an embryo's development using zebrafish as the model organisms and organized all our findings into a group poster. This was my first experience compiling data and creating a college-level research project, which taught me a lot about the level of work that is required to produce the final, polished project. I enjoyed the experience and was grateful to have been exposed to higher level research so early on in my college career. 

During the showcase, we answered any questions about our research and discussed the implications of the project. Attached below is a portion of the research paper that I wrote discussing the project. In the pdf is the abstract, the results, and the discussion. 

Two of my group members and I presenting our research poster, "Analysis of Zebrafish OptoMotor Assay," at the project fair held by the School of Science.

Zebrafish Research Paper pdf.pdf

Analysis of a Zebrafish Optomotor Assay Paper

To the left is my contribution to the research paper my group and I wrote over the fetal alcohol syndrome research we conducted in lab using zebrafish model organisms. In this paper, you will find figures and graphs that better showcase and explain our research on fetal alcohol syndrome. 

I wrote the abstract, results, and discussion sections. This was a great experience for me that helped me improve my scientific writing skills. This honors lab took place during my first semester at IUPUI. The collaboration with other science minded individuals was such a fun and educational process! Putting together a poster to present to the biology department in a research showcase was also an incredibly eye opening experience into what research during college would look like.