ALD-PES National Honor Society

What is ALD-PES?

The ALD-PES National Honor Society is a dual honor society organization on college campuses across the nation with the goal to advance students academically, professionally, and personally. The organization seeks to provide its members with many service and leadership opportunities, some of which I have taken part in. As a member, I have access to numerous volunteer events throughout the school year, as well as valuable presentations from guest speakers at our monthly meetings.

Volunteering for ALD-PES

One notable volunteer event that I took part in was sorting books for the Warren Township School system. For this event, we helped sort thousands of donated and overstocked books by grade and reading level to distribute to the surrounding schools. This gave the students access to these resources that they might not have otherwise seen. The goal was a tall order, so I made it to a few of their scheduled sorting times, and although I was not there for when they actually handed out the book boxes, I was fulfilled knowing I played a role in getting the books into the hands of those kids.

Elaine (another ALD-PES member) and I sorting elementary school level books into "book bags." This was such a fun and rewarding experience; I felt nostalgic seeing some of the books I read in elementary school going into bags for the students of Warren Township!