W231 Professional Writing Skills

Course Overview

In W231 Professional Writing Skills, I learned how to correspond in a professional manner and improved my collaboration skills through our class project. Our larger project for this course was created for a community client where we wrote up a recommendation report for them, suggesting ways to solve a problem they were facing. You can read more about my project below.

Women4Change Recommendation Report

To start this project, every student was to find a community client and write up a proposal paired with a visual. The top 4-5 clients were voted on by the class; my client, the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change, won one of the project spots. I worked as the team lead in a group of 4, so my primary responsibility was to keep everyone on task and complete my sections of the recommendation report. The report served to suggest ways to improve marketing for student organizations, which Women4Change at IUPUI sought to improve on. Click the screenshot to the right to explore my team's recommendation report on best marketing practices for student organizations for the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change. 

Course ePortfolio

My course ePortfolio serves as a platform to showcase all my assignments from this W231. You can view my course ePortfolio by clicking the screenshot of the homepage to the left. On this ePortfolio, you will find my two major writing assignments, including a link to my client proposal visual, links to my contributions on the recommendation report, and other professional correspondences.