
What is Women4Change?

Women4Change is one of many campus organizations. It is an organization that is present on campuses across Indiana and is geared toward educating and motivating Indiana men and women to create a more positive female experience. I joined after taking Dr. Marrs' biology course my first semester at IUPUI; Dr. Marrs is the faculty advisor for the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change.

Why am I Interested in Women4Change?

This organization has so many opportunities for me to participate in, such as workshops in learning how to successfully negotiate wages as a woman and service events that span environmental focuses or a menstruation product drive for women who may need help getting access to those resources. Below are some links to articles written by the members of the organization regarding some of the opportunities and resources they provide:

My Experience as a Member

I have learned so much from participating in this organization and would like to become more involved in future semesters. Women4Change has boosted my confidence as a woman in STEM and I would like to now give back to the community by acting as a catalyst for other young woman interested in science.

This is an image from the IUPUI's Women4Change website of one of the Women's Marches that the organization attended.