Successes & Challenges


At my internship, I have seen myself rise above in many aspects. I have seen myself be motivated to work and be apart of this important project. For example, I have worked more than what was expected of me and have been excited to go to meetings. Another strength that I have seen is team work. When conflict arises, my team communicates together and throws out multiple solutions to find the one solution for our problem. We meet Mondays as a smaller team and Fridays as our whole lab, so it makes it easy to get many viewpoints. A challenge that I have overcome is sharing my ideas with my team. I was timid to do so when I first started, but my team makes me feel that my ideas are valuable enough to be shared.


At the beginning, I definitely struggled to make my internship a priority in my busy life. Sometimes it was difficult to get my work done on time each week and create a balance between my internship, school, and my other job. I have also had difficulty taking a shot at the opportunities that the internship has given me. We have had the chance to watch a sleep study and my advisor is trying to connect me with an Occupational therapist, but I have not been aggressive with my chances to do so. I definitely want to take advantage of these opportunities this coming semester. Another challenge that I have faced is paying attention to the details within the lab reports while analyzing for data. Each child is a different case, so I cannot treat that as the same and generally analyze them.