Volunteer experience

Motor Activity Clinic

Through IUPUI's exercise science department, I had the opportunity to work on fine motor skills with children who had intellectual and physical disabilities. Depending on the child's skill level, we would focus on improving their skills in a pool and gym setting. Our center of focus ranged from showing them how to be comfortable in water to being able to tread water. From the outside, these children can look extremely disadvantaged, but the weekly therapy that we did with the children opened my eyes up to the capability that they actually have.

Children's Ministry

At my church in St.Louis and Indianapolis, I have volunteered in the Children's ministry where I teach children the importance of having a relationship with Jesus. This work has required me to be support for these children and teach them how to be obedient during our class time. This opportunity has showed me how children impact my life and how important it is to be a positive influence on their lives.

Phi Mu

I am apart of Phi Mu- Rho Alpha on IUPUI's campus. I served as our Diversity and Inclusion chair in Fall 2020. I educated our sisters on respecting the opinions of others during the election and the importance of Hispanic heritage month. From Fall 2020-Fall 2021, I am currently our Sisterhood chair where I will enforce relationships and bonding between our sisters through social events.

Living Faith College Ministry

I serve as leader for college ministry. Each we I lead our vision for the night and discussion. I have been apart of holding events to grow community between college students and I work on spreading the gospel on campus.