
Career Goals

My internship has given me an inside look into the professional world and has caused me to self analyze. I may have thought that I was qualified to be in a professional occupation, but I have realize that I need to go a long way. It takes a lot of dedication to have a job like this one. Your job involves more time than just the time that you are clocked in. In addition, I have had to hold myself accountable much more than before because I have this internship and another job and other involvement. I have realized that I need to keep my dates in more than one place and check my email at least once at the end of the day. My internship has helped me present myself. I find myself talking more direct and feeling more comfortable when presenting.

Since starting the internship, I have become more of an advocate for myself. This internship along with my other job and leadership positions I hold have made this year very difficult. I have had to figure out ho to work with my supervisors at my internship and my other job to explain my busy life to them and also set boundaries for both my jobs. In addition, I have learned to express my strengths and interests better. This year, I questioned whether I wanted to continue on the Occupational therapy track or pursue ABA therapy as a career. I discussed with my supervisors at my internship and my job how I was more interested in behavior than functional occupation. It took time to self analyze and discuss what I would want out of my career. In the end, I chose to continue to pursue Occupational therapy, but the process taught me to speak up for my future.

Internship Goals

Goal 1: Build relationships with people I am unfamiliar with and create bonds with my supervisors and colleagues for future networking.

Why: I want to work on this goal, so that I can build long lasting relationships in the professional field. These will be people that can help me grow and I can refer to when I need recommendations letters or connections with others in my field.

Progress: I have been able to grow a relationship with my supervisors and that have shown interest in what I want to do and they are always offering to assist me in my goals.

Goal 2: Communicate ideas effectively by basing my ideas off of strong evidence and be clear and concise when communicating with my peers.

Why: When creating this goal, I have struggled with being confident in communicating my ideas because I doubt myself when put up against my peers.

Progress: I delivered a presentation about my research project to my lab team and my supervisor gave me positive feedback. I created my poster for the end of LHSI and learned to take critiques from my supervisors to be more clear with my ideas.

Goal 3: Advance my skills in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating data by identifying patterns and outliers within data. In addition, using critical thinking skills to analyze the data.

Why: My analyzation of data has been very surface level and I struggle with drawing a larger conclusion from smaller pieces of data, so I wanted to create this goal to go deeper in these areas.

Progress: I used Cerner to collect data for our project and have been able to define some statistics terms on the project from my statistics class.

Goal 4: Confront difficult challenges by choosing to be a part of them and becoming more comfortable with failure.

Why: I shy away from challenges because I am afraid screwing up and people not agreeing with my ideas to confront the problem.

Progress: Through this team, I have felt comfortable to speak up and have been able to contribute to solving problems. As a whole working on a research team as been a challenge, so I am proud of myself for pursuing in this job.