Guidelines for Elementary Remote Learning & Instruction

  • Keep it simple to manage for you, your students, and their families! K-3 will use SeeSaw and 4-5 will use Canvas as our learning management platforms.

  • Work with your team to prioritize essential skills and standards that need to be delivered in Reading and Math.

  • What does virtual, direct instruction look like? Lessons can be live through Zoom, etc., recorded by you or colleagues, or be pre-recorded lessons from iReady, Khan Academy, etc.

  • BE flexible with when direct instruction lessons are offered. Some can access in real time and some will need it recorded to access later.

  • Make it a team effort! Join forces with your grade level team to record and offer lessons. You don’t have to do it all on your own.

  • Follow up with new content to check for understanding

If not a “live” lesson, you might “flip” the lesson and offer a video at the start of the work and then follow up with a Zoom call or Google Meet later to check for understanding.

  • Overall expectation is 2-3 hours of TOTAL work time for students per day (combined virtual lessons, online programs, packet, independent reading, Zoom calls, independent instruction, direct instruction, AIG DEP work, etc.) Be mindful of students who are receiving direct instruction from EC or ESL teachers. This time in instruction will count as part of this time for these students.

  • Differentiate as you would in your classroom. Communicate with your EC or ESL teacher to coordinate instruction for EC & ESL students. Your Differentiation Specialist can provide ideas for you to support AIG students.