Yes, you heard it right! At the Giordano Bruno we decided to stand up for the environment.

Our goal is to raise awareness about some of the many battles that are being fought to save our planet.

Will you join us?

Questionario Sostenibilità

Vi abbiamo sottoposto un questionario per vedere quante ne sapevate sull'ambiente.

Un team di studenti ha controllato i dati e ha analizzato le risposte…

Il G.B. è davvero green?

Te lo sei perso? Nessun problema! Puoi fare il questionario cliccando sul pulsante qua sotto.

Le nuove risposte verranno considerate e i grafici saranno aggiornati.

Riccardo L.

Footprint Calculator

Sei pronto a scoprire quanti pianeti Terra servirebbero se vivessimo tutti come te?

Sei un eco-warrior o combatti al fianco del global warming?

Let's find out!

Despicable Glitter

Sparkles of joy or fragments of death?

It cannot be recycled: Glitter is made from tiny pieces of plastic and the toxic microbeads that have been banned from cosmetics. It consists of a layer of plastic, a thin coloured layer and a reflective layer made of aluminium.

These are bonded into a thin sheet, then cut into tiny shapes. These pieces can’t be recycled because it’s difficult to break them down into component parts.

They’re also so small that they clog machinery, meaning if you try to recycle paper with glitter on it, the whole lot might have to be chucked. Glitter particles either end up in landfill or washed down drains.

If that happens, glitter is small enough to be washed into rivers and seas. There, the particles can absorb chemicals and pollutants, making them ever more toxic. And every tiny sparkly bit will take thousands of years to break down.

Giulia F

Eugea Project

"Let’s flower up our cities!"

Eugea was born as a spin-off of the University of Bologna and is formed by researchers of the group of Applied Ecology of the Faculty of Agriculture. Eugea believes that even in the big city there is space for nature, because nature, which is such a big big thing, is made up of small friends and small gestures that become big.

The mission of Eugea is to save the greatest number of bees and butterflies. These insects are extremely important for our environment because, as pollinators, play a part in every aspect of the ecosystem. For this reason Eugea created the "garden kit" composed by different plant species each important for the life of these important insects.The gardens of Eugea are real ecological habitats in miniature, designed to be populated with kind of plants and useful insects, thus contributing to the preservation of the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

Filippo G.

Check out Eugea website!


How to shop and love your planet at the same time: your zero waste giude

If Zero Waste aims to reduce waste, and many of the household waste comes from our EXPENDITURE… how is it possible to make our commissions increasingly zero waste?

In fact, every year 2.1 million tons of plastic packaging are consumed in Italy! Certainly the responsibility should not be passed on to the individual citizen but it is good to be aware of the small actions we can do to contribute to change.

What does buying in bulk consist of?

Buying in bulk allows you to minimize packaging by purchasing only the product:

with our money we will therefore only pay for the content and not the container!

Some examples of bulk purchases:

-fill their bags with grains, legumes and other foods

-refill the bottles of detergents and detergents

-buy soap by the cut

-efill wine or other draft drinks

In some commercial realities it is possible to use the returnable vacuum service: once the product is finished, the packaging is returned to the store to be sanitized and reused!


Plan your shopping in advance thinking about what foods we need and in what quantity. The beauty of the bulk is that we decide to buy a small amount if we want to taste or a few pounds if we want to stock up.

It is also important to provide for the reusable containers to be filled: - bags, possibly in fabric, of different sizes for dry products such as legumes, cereals, pasta. - glass jars and containers or, even better because they are lighter, in tin or reusable plastic if we already have them at home for oily, moist or powdery foods. - airtight or resealable bottles and containers for creamy or liquid products including detergents.

It is essential that containers are clean and do not leak. It is good to make sure that our containers are tared when the quantity of the product is weighed.

In general, we should not be afraid to politely ask to be able to buy in bulk, sometimes the request will be rejected and other times we will have a pleasant surprise. Complimenting those who offer this service will also encourage their practice as well as reward their commitment.


Water Flasks or Plastic Bottles: The Dilemma

Should water flasks take over tradional plastic bottles?

"A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021, creating an environmental crisis some campaigners predict will be as serious as climate change." - The Guardian, "A million bottles a minute: world's plastic binge 'as dangerous as climate change'', June 2017.

Already back in 2017 plastic bottles were a huge problem that had to be dealt with, not much has been done since. In fact, nowadays, it remains unresolved. Now, it's time to take up this challenge and find real solutions.

Water flasks might be the game changers. These water - non plastic -bottles are just better overall: they are more comfortable and cheaper in the long run, as you do not get to always buy a new one when they get empty.

If only we all chose water flasks over plastic bottles. In fact, curbing plastic bottles production would bring countless benefits to the environment.

School may be helpful to this campaign because it is the place where new ideas are born and initiatives take shape. Young students are in charge of this revolution. It must start off by them. Therefore, it is our job - as students - and our duty - as humans - to ignite change and do our best to make it actually happen.

Still wondering how to be part of the campaign against plastic bottles?

Simple, replace your daily plastic bottle with a cleaner, reusable and better looking water flask.

Just like our ordinary actions, water flasks, might not be the one solution to all the environmental problems, but they are definitely part of it.

Riccardo L.