Working is at the foundation of our world and society. For this very reason, making work more sustainable for the environment is something that must be done in order to preserve the world as we know it.

Working ennobles man, they say, let's see if it can work the other way round too.


Companies are continuously producing more and more electronic devices. Every new model is designed to be more sophisticated than its predecessor so that people buy it. Therefore, devices are often used for only a few years.

So what happens to all these gadgets when they’re thrown away? Have you ever wondered where old electronic devices end up after their last usage?

In many countries e-waste is collected by local authorities or just taken back by the sellers. What happens then? Are they recycled?

Recycling electronic gadgets is difficult and very expensive. On top of that not everything is reusable and some of the devices may contain toxic materials. As a result, in many cases e-waste is exported to some Asian or African developing countries. In these countries, at the expens of their health, underpaid workers handle and dismantle the devices completely. Moreover a big portion of the exported e-waste isn’t recycled whatsoever. The waste is just simply dumped, thereby creating colossal dumpsters in the open air.

In addition, these open air dumpsters put the local people at risk of poisoning and the surrounding environment is heavily threatened too.

Is it possible to do anything to help? Might we be able to keep our phones and laptops for another year instead of changing them for the latest versions?

Michele L.


Agricultural pollution has many different sources. Fertilizers and chemical pesticides are the most polluting items in agriculture. The fertilizers are based on nitrogen which is a gas that produces strong greenhouse gases. It can also pollute water. Chemical pesticides, on the other hand, can pollute air, water and our food with some residues. In order to reduce agricultural pollution, we can use the orgnaic agricultural which does not use chemical products and respects the biodiversity of the crop.

This kind of agriculture is based on some important techniques such as:

- Improving and incrementing organic fertility by using biological fertilizers and recycling leftovers from previous crops

- Rotating the crops so that one product is alternating with two others in order to give soil back the necessary substances

- Creating edges to increase biodiversity and protecting the culture hosting animals which kill parasites

- Using natural pesticides or specific insects to kill plants or insects which can damage the crop.

The average of total organic area in Europe is 7.5%. In Italy it is higher than in Europe, in fact it is 15.5%.

There is still a lot to do to improve these low numbers, which are so low because this type of agriculture is more expensive and more difficult than the traditional one.

Sofia R.


Nathan Grossman, a swedish film director, has been working on the critically-acclaimed and impactful biographical documentary “I am Greta: force of nature” since the young activist, Greta Thunberg, started to catch the attention of the media and the news. The film was released in November 2020 and its première has been presented at the 77th Venice International Film Festival.

The film shows with an artistic tone the journey the Swedish teenage girl with a passion for good change has gone through for the past three years, the love, but also the hate she received, but mainly the people who have always been on her side and who have believed in her.

Strong images make this film artistic and capable of attracting the viewer’s attention and of raising awareness on various issues, first of all climate change: multiple and long silences give us a peek of the world seen from the point of view of a girl who has suffered from depression and who is, by now, well-known for being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and for whom she receives many critics and insults.

All in all, the film strongly emphasises the need of the younger generations to make a change and politicians’ rejection and mockery, by showing the moving, but also aggressive words Greta exposes during conferences and the great distress she feels towards our ever-declining future.

Sara G.


In daily life, we all take care of our personal hygiene. Since the morning, with a simple action, we all brush our teeth with a toothbrush, but how many toothbrushes do we use in a year?

Dentists recommend changing our toothbrushes every 2-3 months, therefore we use about 5 toothbrushes per year.

Italian citizens are 60 millions and about 300 millions toothbrushes are used every year. Most of these are entirely made of plastic; the toothbrush is made up of two parts: the handle and the bristles. In 90% of cases both parts are plastic and the whole is introduced into the mouth. What can we do to reduce plastic more and more?

Many scientists offer possible solutions: we can try bamboo toothbrushes and dispose of them in the right way. Another solution, accessible to everyone and with a great environmental impact, can be to choose a toothbrush with a reusable handle, such as the electric one.

By using an electric toothbrush and changing only the head, we save money and also plastic. It is not a solution that can revolutionize the world and plastic pollution, but it is a small gesture that can change our daily life if we all do other simple actions.

Remember that even a simple action like buying bamboo or electric toothbrushes can make the world a greener and safer place for future generations.

Arianna R.


Hey guys, have you ever heard about Swappie?

It is an agency, created by Sami e Jiri, which wants to give you the best safeness and quality when you want to acquire a reprocessed phone.

What is a reprocessed phone?

It is simply an old or defective smartphone which is given a new life by repairing those little problems that it has.

When a smartphone is thrown away it causes lots of problems to the environment, so, what can be the solution?

First of all, you must try to keep your Iphone for the longest time possible, but when it becomes necessary to change your smartphone, you can buy a reconditioned one. And Swappie is the site you’re looking for.

Swappie has every model of Iphone and three categories regarding the external conditions of the smartphone. Prices are cheap and quality is very high. So benefits are guaranteed!

In conclusion, Swappie and other agencies like this one, can really help to save the environment!

And now, some tips you can use to increase your smartphone

durability ; )

  • don’t spend much time per day on using your smartphone

  • delete periodically that files that you don’t need anymore, like photos, videos, useless apps or documents

  • don’t charge it if the battery is more than 15%

  • don’t use your phone if it is on charging

  • if possible, don’t charge your phone during the night

  • make sure your phone is safe from water, sand

  • prevent collisions ( you can buy a good phone case and a screen protector made of glass )

Rita L.