The partners

Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi Hasan Efendi Mah. Kültür Cad. No:7 09100 Aydın Turkey

2 GENIKO LYKEIO TRIKALON katsimidou 7 421 00 Trikala Greece

High School of Natural Sciences “Academician Metodiy Popov”-Varna Vladislav Varnenchik blvd 80 9000 Varna Bulgaria

Zespol Szkol Poligraficzno-Medialnych im. Zenona Klemensiewicza os. Tysiąclecia 38 31 610 Kraków Poland

Istituto D’Istruzione Superiore Einaudi Pareto Via Brigata Verona,5 90144 Palermo Italy

We have composed our partnership via Etwinning and our networks. The choice guarantees a mix of Secondary Education expertise from East to Western Europe. We individuated the partners we needed taking into consideration the objectives of the projects and their experience and we cooperated when we wrote the project proposal. In December, a folder was created and shared on google Drive and the official documents were uploaded. All the partners were reccomended to read and participate actively. This was the fundamental element that emerged.

Especially we want to reach out to minorities and those with difficult social background. Many of us are from very difficult and backwarded social context;sharing experiences will bestimulating and rewarding. Working together will add to the appreciation of much different cultures which are met with increasing hostility today due to the current political and economical tensions. In choosing the topics to be discussed during Debate's meetings, we will not neglect to address those issues that currently divide Europe.

The full awareness has emerged that a project must be shared at all stages: the choice of topic, the distribution of activities and roles. We read well all the documents related to the call in English version and in each own language.We checked the template of the Application and the guideline to fulfil them before starting to write the project proposal.We analyzed if our organizations were elegible , if we had experience in the field interested to apply, if we had the right staff to implement the project in case of successful proposal.The support activity can not be turned into welfareism in the sense of delegating only one partner, usually the coordinator, to compiling the form.

Fortunately, the webform allows online sharing very easy to use. Everyone can take advantage of the form and possibly make or suggest changes.The new partner is there to learn not to be assisted as a sick person. The choice of the K229 will also contribute to accelerate the process of autonomy because the new partner will be called to take responsibility to bring all the objectives set to a deadline.In this project we bring together the relevant issues of the topics we are hoing to choose for the Debate tournment and the exchange between countries and cultures, new methods of teaching, new items into our curriculae.

Among others the very important problem of migratory flows.Just think of the different positions of Poland and Bulgaria compared with Italy/Sicily and Greece representing the countries of acceptance.We hope that in this context the students who will be distributed in multicultural teams will be able to perceive different points of view.