
Lesson 1 Social media.pdf

Lesson material to prepare the motion about Social Media

Lesson 1 Immigration.pdf

Lesson material to prepare a motion about Multiculturalism

lesson 2 in immigration.pdf

Lesson material to prepare a motion about Multiculturalism

Polish Team is preparing for the first debate tournament in Turkey on Social Media and Internet

"How to run a debate?" - a training on debates: about their format, judging, preparation. A training conducted by teachers from Polish team.

A video from the final debate in Turkey, a debate between Italy and Greece

Hello everybody! The mobility in Kraków is finished... but the memories will be with us for a long time! This video presents a very special debate! with the best debators from all the teams! The motion: "Women are better than men" with girls in the opposition team and boys in the proposition team:) Watch and enjoy! :)

Preparation for the debates in Poland - in progress:) - Polish team

Ettore in Greece furing the final.