Writing Words

"Hello from ______"

Make cards and send them to your local nursing home, hospital, grandparents, friends, neighbors, etc.

Shaving Cream, Rice, Salt, Sand Writing

Using the "arm spelling" from Saying Words, have them spell the word and then write the words on a cookie sheet in shaving cream, rice, salt or sand! You can also use this activity for letter formation or practicing first and last name writing!


Practice letter formation, spelling or first/last name with play-doh!

Back Words

Depending on the age of the student, have them write a letter or short word on your back and then try to guess what it is. 3 wrong guesses and you’re out! Switch roles and repeat!


Write a word on a whiteboard or erasable surface. Have your student replace the first letter to make a new word. For example, if you write the word “back”. Then erase the first letter so you now have “_ack” and they have to come up with a letter to replace the “b” that makes a real word. They could say “t” to make “tack”. Do a few more replacing the first letter (“sack, pack, lack”). Then have them replace the last letter. So “lack” would become “la__”. They may say “add a “p” so it becomes “lap”. Keep going until they get stuck. Then have them replace the middle sound. You can also alternate which sound you replace every time to make it more challenging!

Build It! Read It! Write It!

Give your student a word on a piece of paper or whiteboard. Then have the student build the word out of something like play dough, pipe cleaners, Legos, etc. Lastly, have the student write the word (this can be with shaving cream, markers, pencil/paper, a salt tray, etc.).

Black Light Spelling

This is a favorite for many of our kids! Using a yellow highlighter marker and paper, your child can write her/his spelling, word lists or sight words on a paper as you say them (one at a time) or you can write the words and they can read them to you under the black light. Please don’t feel you have to run out to a hardware store to purchase a black light - this is just an option! Here is a link to a black bulb that can be used in any lamp if you would like to buy one: Amazon black light bulb

Left-Right Games

Children who often have difficulties with reversing letters when writing or confusing one letter for another when reading (b/d, p/q, n/u, f/t, etc) may also have trouble remembering their left side from their right side. For some fun Left/Right ideas, click here: Left/Right Activities