Lesson 7

Phonological Awareness

Watch the video linked below.

Phonological Awareness: Try to answer the questions as you watch the video.

Build Words

Choose one word list to read. Take turns with your student reading one word at a time. Then switch so you both get to read all the words! (Check out this video to see how it looks in action!)

Digraphs Word List

Blends Word List

Silent e Word List

Read Text

Read the one text that goes along with the video you watched (be sure to tab down, past the word list and you'll see the story at the bottom).

Digraphs Text/Story

Blends Text/Story

Silent e Text/Story

Renae Milawski

RtI Reading Teacher


(952) 492-4313

Kimberly Pettinelli

RtI Reading Teacher


(952) 492-4345

Kim Thompson

RtI Reading Paraprofessional
