Lesson 7

Activity: Place Value Card Game


In this game, each player will be creating a number. Remove all face cards from the deck and Aces=1. Decide together what place value you will be going to (tenths, hundredths, thousandths). Next, deal out the amount of cards you need to make a number that big! Then, construct the biggest number you can out of the numbers you have been dealt. *Don't forget to use something to represent the decimal point! Finally, compare your numbers and determine whose was bigger (>,<,=). To enhance the game, you can ask about your student's place values. For instance, ask: "What number do you have in your hundredths place?" "What is the value of that number?" The student should recognize that 3 in the hundredths place is worth .03 or three hundredths!


Deck of cards

Activity: Recycle Jenga


If you have Jenga at home, consider repurposing it to practice math facts! Using a marker, write multiplication/division facts on each Jenga piece. When you pull out your piece, solve the multiplication fact!



Activity: Paper Plate Multiplication


Click here to read how to do this activity!


2 paper plates for each set of multiplication facts, paint/markers, scissors, glue