Lesson 5
Activity: Place Value Battleship
Click here to learn how to play Place Value Battleship! Your goal is to figure out the other players number through process of elimination. This is a two person game. Each player needs a record sheet (as seen in the right side of the image) to track which numbers in what places they have guessed while trying to determine their opponents number. Each player also needs to write their own number (as seen in the left side of the picture). Keep guessing one number in one place at a time until you think you know your opponent's number!
Activity: Neighborhood Numbers
Take a walk around your neighborhood and have a mathematical conversation as you enjoy the sun and fresh air! Click here for some question ideas!
Activity: Make a Buzz Game
Watch Mrs. G teach you how to make a buzz game. Practice multiplication using this game: draw two cards and multiply them together!
Activity: Play Farkle
Watch Ms. B explain the rules to Farkle! There is a slight learning curve when starting this game, but after you get in a groove it becomes easier and easier! We also included the rules in written form below