Saying Words

Sound Hunts

Search a room for items that contain a sound of your choosing. For example, you might search for items that have the sound /ch/ like “chair”, “couch”, “chips”, “hutch”, etc… You can even choose more difficult sounds like blends. For example, you might search for items that have the blend /tr/ like “trash” or “truck”.

"I Spy" with Sounds

Take turns spying things that start with a certain sound instead of a color. “I spy something that starts with the sound /m/.” Then the other player has to guess what item they are thinking of in the room.

Jump Spelling

Pick any word your student is working on and then place markers on the ground for them to jump and spell to (pieces of paper, cups, pillows, books, etc.) The student has to jump every time they say a letter. If they get one wrong, they have to go back to the beginning and start over until they’ve spelled the whole word correctly. For example, they would jump 3 times to spell the word D - O - G.

Jump Sounds

This is the same game except this time they jump sounds in the words instead of letters. For example, if they were jumping the sounds in the word “team” they would jump three times and say the sounds they hear (not the letters!!) /t/ /e/ /m/. They only jump once for the long e “ea” part because it only makes one sound!

Play "Horse"

With a basketball but play by spelling their spelling words, sight words or word lists!

Arm Spelling/tapping: Letters

Spell and say their spelling words, sight words or word list words. Click on the video to see how to do it!

Arm Tapping: Sounds

This is the same game except they are now tapping out the sounds of the word. This works best with spelling words or word lists. See #5 above - They will say each sound in the word as their hand taps down their arm. If there is a silent letter in the word, just have them say that as they tap it. For example, cave - say the sounds “/c/ /a/ /v/, silent e, cave”.

Race Car Blending

Phonemic awareness activity using a toy car to drive across the letters written spaced across a racetrack to make a word. Students sound out the letters as they drive across it. When students drive slowly they sound out the letters very slowly and segment them. When they zoom by they say the word clearly, loudly and quickly!

SMART Room Learning Ladders

This activity utilizes movement and reading - we call it a whole brain activity! Using a spelling list, sight word list or lists from our distance learning lessons tab, have your child read each word while he/she is moving (if he/she does not know the word, you can tell them - the key is to repeat several times to build memory of the word). For example, lightly toss a ball up in the air for each word read. Movement ideas: ball toss, jump rope, jumping jacks, cross movement marching (right hand taps left knee, followed by left hand tapping the right knee), jumping on a mini-trampoline, etc. **This is also a great activity for students to practice their letter names/sounds, first/last names and numbers!

Video Demonstration