
Typetastic Directions

Did you know... If students are unable to use their space and delete button on the keyboard, this fixes it:

Settings->Accessibility->Keyboard->Toggle Full Keyboard Control Off

Also, if you are looking for fun practice options to get a change of pace from Typetastic, you may want to try one of these:

Work on ipad

Dance Mat Typing

Typing Game Zone

Please remember that these are not to be done instead of Typetastic, but rather in addition.


Students who meet the wpm goal or higher should get a P, if they have finished the lessons. 

Students who are 10 wpm over the goal should get an E, if they have finished the lessons.

Students who don't finish the lessons, should get an I.

Grade 3 = 6 weeks

Grade 4 = Minimum of 3 weeks, more for those who don’t meet the standard

Grade 5 = Minimum of 3 weeks, more for those who don’t meet the standard

Printable Paper Copy of Keyboard