STEM Night

STEM Night is a evening of stations which focuses on science experiments and engineering activities. The goal is to engage students in STEM activities. 

What type of volunteers are needed? 

Anyone with a love of science & engineering! A science background is great, but not required, we will provide you with all of the information necessary to run the experiment. We are looking for both people to plan the event and people to run experiments at the event. 

This event is held in an evening in the Fall, grades 3-5 are encouraged to try more complex experiments, while we ask that K-2 are accompanied by an adult. 

What if I have other children? 

Older and younger siblings are invited to participate, we just ask that if they are younger you have sufficient adult supervision to make sure everyone stays safe and has fun!

If your older child, grandparents, or anyone else wants to volunteer to help with an experiment or demo let us know. If you want to donate science or engineering themed prizes or experiments let us know!