Classroom Wish Lists

Looking For More Ways to Support Our Teachers?

We love our teachers and staff at Normandale Hills.  Many classrooms have an active Amazon Wishlist full of opportunities to support Teachers and Students. 

Find the classroom you are looking to help below! 



Third Grade

Miranda Huegel

Ellie Maloney - Coming Soon! 

Fourth Grade

Chris Hauer - Coming Soon! 

Maddie Nelson

Fifth Grade

Danielle Andvik - Coming Soon! 

Matt McDonell - Coming Soon! 

Ken Putt


Jennifer Hadden

Dawn Merry - Coming Soon! 


Marlene Schriner (Physical Education) - Coming Soon! 

Jeffrey Zupfer (Music) - Coming Soon! 

Nathan Pakan (Art) - Coming Soon! 

Other Staff

Speech & Language; Harrington/Reger - Coming Soon! 

Social Worker; Sarah Kyalo