Warm Up - Pre Race Routine

Dynamic Warm Up

800M Jog - Easy Pace

2x30M A Skip

2x30M Butt Kicks

2x30M B Skip

2x30M Side Shuffle with Arm Swings (alternate directions)

2x30M Karioka

2x30M Skipping with Arm Circles

2x30M Toe Touch/Frankensteins

10x Leg Swings - front to back

10x Leg Swings - side to side

4x50 Accelerations/strides

Pre Race Routine

Warm Up: The purpose of your warm-up is to prepare you physically and mentally for your best performance.

Arrive - Help set-up camp & familiarize yourself with the course

One hour before race - Bathroom trip

45-50 minutes before race -10-20 minute run, you must break a sweat, wear warm- ups but don’t overdress

30-35 minutes before race - Dynamic Stretches/Leg Swings, & Drills

20-25 minutes before race - Stop at camp put spikes on, check uniform & racing #; one last bathroom stop if needed

10-15 minutes before race - Head to team box and begin strides. Everyone should do 4-6 strides before racing.

3-5 minutes before race - Take sweats off, do 1-2 final strides on the starting line.