Attendance Policy

Cross country is a training sport. The more running you do, the better runner you will become. It takes roughly 6 to 8 weeks to get into competitive shape, so the earlier you can begin the better. That means running in the summer is a critical part of preparation for the season. There is no substitute. This becomes even more critical once the official season begins. As a result, consistent attendance at practices and meets are an absolute necessity. To be clear, these are our expectations:

  • Varsity runners will attend practices Monday through Saturday during the season. Varsity athletes that miss Saturdays will be counted as absent. Junior Varsity athletes are welcome to practice on Saturdays but will not be counted absent on those days.
  • Junior Varsity will attend practices Monday through Friday.
  • Absences must be excused through an email to the head coach prior to the start of practice.
  • Texts, verbal notices, and messages from other team members are not an acceptable means of communicating absences.
  • Athletes missing 3 practices or meets unexcused will not be allowed to earn a letter.
  • Athletes who reach 5 unexcused absences may be asked to leave the team.
  • Athletes who miss 10 practices or meets excused or unexcused in the course of a season may also be asked to leave the team.
  • Special circumstances and situations will be taken into consideration provide they are communicated in advance with the head coach.