Prodigy Awards

Education Foundation of Bloomington Prodigy Awards

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The Education Foundation of Bloomington’s Prodigy Award program has been recognizing outstanding groups in administration, support staff and teachers in Bloomington Public Schools since the early 1990’s. These exemplary groups of people have enhanced the lives of students and their families. The Education Foundation of Bloomington (EFB) Board of Directors extends our deepest gratitude to all employees in all Bloomington schools for their heroic efforts to put education and safety as the highest priorities. In our hearts and minds, all of you deserve Prodigy Awards.

We are continuing the Prodigy Awards for the 2024-2025 school year with the intent of recognizing excellence in Superb Staff Teamwork and Superb Administrative Teamwork, creating a better educational environment. These awards, sponsored by former Bloomington Public Schools teacher Patrick Porter, recognize superb teamwork that improves the educational environment within Bloomington Public Schools.

Summer Quest  Team for the 2024 Superb Staff Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

Ana Molina, Chinda Gregor, Courtney Ramirez, Laurie Shields (EFB), Beth Stenglein (receiving the award), Virg Senescall (EFB), Deb Sandvig, Jen Edwards.  Not pictured: Nicole Ringrose

Oak Grove MS Administration Team - 2024 Superb Admin Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

Kylie Kubas, Kristin Donnelly, John Born, Anne Graner (receiving the award), Virg Senescall (EFB), John Polhill, Bailey Alston, Mike Sheehan, Jen Dostal, Eric Jacobson, Sarah Mazzoni, Laurie Shields (EFB)

Valley View MS Media Center Team for the 2024 Superb Staff Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

Kristi Johnson, Lisa Seekins (receiving the award), Virg Senescall (EFB), Brandon Becker, Rachel Perlick, Not pictured: Ashly Tritch

Kennedy HS AVID Program for 2024 Superb Staff Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

Debbie Belfry (EFB), Timmy Nguyen, Staci Buchanan, Kelly Killorn (receiving the award),  Virg Senescall (EFB), Trisha Meyer

Kennedy HS Fine Arts Team for 2024 Superb Staff Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

 Janet Pladson (EFB), Nikki Jordan (receiving the award), Virg Senescall (EFB)

2023 Prodigy Award Winner

Valley View MS Mental Health Supports Team for 2023 Superb Staff Teamwork

Members in the photo from Left to Right:

Michelle Libby, Michelle Primm, Evan Fair, (Virg Senescall EFB), Allison Hedlund (receiving the award), Kali Anderson, Sheila Flanery, (Debbie Belfry EFB)

2022 Prodigy Award Winners

Administrative Team

Office of Educational Equity team

This team is recognized for the courageous consistency with which they carry out their core responsibilities each day. Frequently working against educational, social, health, economic, and community barriers. The office of Educational Equity staff touches the lives of students each day with care and understanding when interacting with other cultures. They respect and embrace differences while providing a safe space for students to be themselves, providing them the space to trust that someone understands them. OEE staff are passionate, flexible, creative problem solvers, who work resiliently each day on behalf of students without hesitation.

Staff Teams

Food Services team

This diverse team has displayed remarkable dedication during the pandemic and beyond. They were positive, flexible and adapted to changes despite staff shortages, supply shortages, food shortages,  and delivery delays. They ensured meals were distributed curbside during snow, rain, sleet, heat, and humidity, and staff happily persevered in all weather conditions during the early months of the pandemic. 

Health Services Nurses

Building nurses have shown leadership and dedication by working outside of contracted hours to extend guidance to students, families, and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. They stayed up to date with the ever-changing guidance from the CDC, MDH, BPH, and BPS, and served as a resource for district leadership in the buildings. In addition to keeping the school health offices running smoothly, the department handled the increases of covid cases after winter break (2469 cases) with grace. Their continued display of commitment to the health and safety of students and staff shines through their positive attitudes and willingness to go above and beyond when needed. 

Valley View Middle School Special Education team

This team works tirelessly to address the ever changing and growing complexity in the needs of students and create a healthy environment for students to learn and grow. Many families have multiple systemic barriers to success in school and this team often supports much more than academic needs.

These Case Managers, DAPE teachers, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Language Professionals are not just teachers, they are an extension of love, comfort, and stability for students and families.

Hillcrest Artful Learning staff

For acknowledging the impacts of COVID in our school and community.

Teachers Beth McCoy and Seyler Shearer led Hillcrest staff and students in a school-wide Artful Learning unit based on the concept of Adaptation, reflecting on the impacts of COVID personally, emotionally and physically. Kids were honest and brave and spoke truth about their fears, their worries as well as the fun they had with their families. In "virtual" partnership with Artistry, students and staff created an art installation of personal weavings. 

Elementary Tech Integration team

This team worked together to support staff, students and families during distance learning and were influential in the success of this learning model, using their skills, knowledge and problem solving abilities to keep learning and teaching strong in an online setting. Most Tech Integrationists work across two sites and balance the needs of supporting two schools. They have led and supported the integration of computer science education into elementary classrooms. They can be found in our elementary classrooms leading lessons, introducing new tools and skills and co-teaching with teachers.