Sneak Peek

Play, Learn & Grow Together!

Kids playing outside

Welcome to our little house!

Child going down the slides

The hat says it all!

Child on playground with ball

Enjoying the outdoors on a sunny winter day!

Child going down slide.

Are ya coming?

Child with heart artwork

Happy Valentine's Day!

We are kind notes

Look at all of these acts of kindness!

Painting in the classroom

Busy painting!

Students and teachers with artwork

LOVEly paintings in Learning Is Fun!

Kids with a baby goat.

A special visitor came to ECFE!

Circle with parent and a baby goat

So many curious minds!

Child smiling

Valentine's Day fun!

Kids making their not a box

Creative minds hard at work after reading Antoinette Portis's book, "Not a Box."

Kids playing with playdough

Fun with playdough!

Kids in ECFE playing with shaving cream

Shaving cream has a different purpose at ECFE!

Painted hands and happy child

Creative hands!

Child climbing on the indoor climbing wall

Trying out the rock wall!

Child playing with train set

Wow- look at that track!

Child playing in sensory table.

Exploring with flour in Learning Is Fun!

Toddler going down indoor slide.

1, 2, 3...slide!

Painting with feet in ECFE

Whoa- look at my footprints!

Pumpkin fun family event

Pumpkin Fun Night!

Kids creating art projects at pumpkin family fun event

Who can resist playdough?

child dressed up in costume



Fun with facepainting!

Field trip to the Children's Museum in Grand Rapids!

A trip to the Children's Museum in Park Rapids!

Bus ride to Children's Museum.

Riding on the big bus- so excited!

Turkey bulletin board

So thankful for our School Readiness students!

Circle time in school readiness

Circle time in School Readiness!

Making sugar cookies

Making sugar cookies!

Making sugar cookies, taking turns to mix!

These cookies will be delicious!

Making shakers in infant class.

Shake, shake, shake!

Ghost bowling at pumpkin family fun.

Knock 'em down!

Infant class

On the go!

Fall festival

Halloween bucket toss!

Egg hunting in sensory table

Springtime fun!

Building not a box project.

Racecar creation!

Observing ladybugs!

Observing ladybugs!

Releasing ladybugs

Ladybug release!

Going down the big slide on preschool field trip.

Field trip fun!

Wagon ride on preschool field trip

Saying cheese at Camp Confidence!

Glass bottom boat ride

Field trip boat ride!

Visiting the tortoise

Turtle time!

Feeding goats

Up close and personal!

Holding a snake.

Wow- so cool!

Ms. Jessie holding the snake

Say cheese, Ms. Jessie!

Ms. April holding the snake

So fun, Ms. April!

Feeding a baby calf in 3 year old preschool

Farm animal Fun in Ms. Kristina's class! Moose the calf came to school for a visit!

Feeding baby calf with Ms. Kristina

Moose made a lot of new friends!