
ISA's values are an integral part of all aspects of the elementary physical education programme - whether it is through the taught curriculum or in more informal situations where students are required to take on board personal responsibility for their own organisation, behaviour and actions.

PE Kit

Grade K-2

  • Students should come to school suitably dressed to take part in physical activity (Ideally no dresses or skirts).

  • Students will need to wear trainers.

Grade 3-5

Students will need the following PE kit - labelled with their name and in a PE bag.

Changing rooms

Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in the changing rooms showing respect and trustworthiness.

  • Change quickly

  • Behave sensibly - No running, shouting or 'fool' play - 'Stop, think and make a good choice!'

  • Clothes should be kept tidy on the benches

  • Students should not use the lockers

  • No climbing on the benches or entering the shower area


Jewellery should not be worn in PE lessons for safety reasons. Students will be asked to remove items of jewellery at the start of the lesson. We encourage students to refrain from wearing items of jewellery to school on days when they have PE.


If a student cannot take part actively in a PE lesson due to an injury, medical, or cultural reason we ask that parents either email their child's PE teacher and class teacher in advance of the lesson or send in a written note.

Students will be involved in the lesson in other non-active ways - observation, peer mentoring and leadership activities.